Wednesday 27 July 2011

Window Glass Film

Stained Glass windows and glass doors do far more for a room’s decor than just look good. They also impart an eye-pleasing spectrum of colored light that adds a wonderful, energy to a room. As a decorative element, stained glass is something many would like to use, but with stained glass costing hundreds to thousands of dollars, most of us do not get to enjoy the beauty and benefits of stained glass.
An affordable alternative to expensive stained glass is decorative window films that look like stained glass. Wallpaper For Windows!™ is the leading decorative window film manufacturer, but there are a few others. This unique, adhesive-free static window film creates the look and effect of stained glass at a fraction of the cost of the real thing. From sidelights and storm doors, to arched and standard windows, to patio doors and everywhere in-between, these designs complement many color motifs and decorating styles to easily transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

For rooms that are dark because the blinds are kept closed for privacy, decorative privacy window films can bring a room out of the darkness and into the light. The artwork obscures visibility through the glass, so instead of living behind closed blinds, everyone enjoys beautiful stained glass; a room filled with light and privacy is maintained.
At night, light from the room illuminates the artwork to create a beautiful exterior effect enjoyed by neighbors and passersby.
The best decorative window films are adhesive-free vinyl films. They have more benefits than just aesthetics; they filter UV rays (protecting furnishings from fading), reduce heat and save energy. Adhesive-free films are an easy do-it-yourself project to apply and when it is time to redecorate (or move) the adhesive-free static film can be removed in seconds.
(Beware of low priced adhesive films that are decorative. Regardless of what the manufacturers would like you to believe, removing the film is no easy task. For more information on adhesive and adhesive-free films, read my article “Decorative Window Films – Adhesive vs Adhesive-free” )
If you want to add color or privacy to a room, using decorative window films that look like Stained Glass is an easy and affordable solution.
We recommend Wallpaper For Windows!™ decorative window film. The variety of designs, quality and sizes available are the best on the market.

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