Sunday 24 July 2011

Window Glass Art

The general look and feel of a room depends to a large extent on its window coverings. Therefore, whenever you design a window treatment, keep in mind the overall design and its impact from the outside of your home. One sure way to do this is to use stained glass windows, which can also be a great investment.
Exterior Looks
To provide a uniform look to your home’s exterior, try to design your window coverings so they’ll be of similar colors. Imagine the disharmony it would create if someone on the curb were to see a blue curtained window on one side and yellow one on the other. Terrible!
You can safely bet that stained glass windows will look great even from the street. You need not worry, as they will add an extra touch of elegance and class to the outward appearance of your home. The positive outcome of creating these great-looking rooms is that you will feel warm and happy. When you pay extra attention to how your window treatments look from the street, you enhance its overall charm and curb appeal.

The same basic techniques are used today as were used during the middle ages. The Window Glass Art  is first cast into a shallow mold. This is achieved by blowing an elongated bubble, which is then trimmed and flattened. Approximately 70 hours later, it’s ready be cooled and cut.
Today, diamonds are used to cut the glass, since they ensure a cleaner break. The glass is cut into pieces which match the shape and colors of the original pattern. To distinguish the details of faces and hands, half tones or textures can be applied. In case you want to modify the colors of the glass at this stage, you can apply matteing, which is a layer of glass paint. A genuine stained glass window is nothing more than an assortment of colored pieces.
The pieces of glass are held or fixed with lead “cames.” The advantage that lead has over other metals is that it is flexible and durable. It is also relatively easy to cut and solder, making it an indispensable part of the designing of the stained glass window.

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